Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yesterday a uneventful day I do what I always do, go to the library.
Im currently reading a book called Exposure about a girl who is addicted to speed and shoplifting.

As i entered the library i noticed a book for sale called The book of longing by Leonard Cohen, I thought I must have this. I sat down and read a couple pages and then went for the door figuring since it is for sale it wont be alarmed. Wrong ! As the beep beep beep happened i turned around and went to the front desk to play dumb. I bargained the 3 dollar price tag down to 2 and was on my way.

From there i went to the Starbucks and chatted with the cute barista about my daring library adventure and laughed about how i haven't stolen anything since lipchap 6 years ago. She stole a bracelet that said beautiful british columbia when she was 13.
I ripped a page out of my new Cohen book and left my number at the table i was reading at hoping only by chance she might call.